Stick Jacket Skinny Tip
Stick Jacket® is the original. From our start in 2003, the goal was to make a rod cover that anglers will use in the boat, walking to the dock or storing rods in the garage. We taught the world how protect your valuable fishing rods and look good doing it.

SKINNY TIP™ & Tri-Shrink Process™
The SKINNY TIP™ is superior. Using our Tri-Shrink Process™, the dual-wall material is secured with heat activated adhesive. The thicker material is tougher and locked in place. Feel the difference. The Skinny Tip will not slip or come off and resists damage other rod sleeves and covers cannot.
HEAT SET trumpet end

The Stick Jacket® trumpet end is cuffed & set with heat. We maximize the opening for fast & smooth clearance over large line guides and rod tips.

Rod Lassos™ are available for users that want to lock the Stick Jacket on their rods. During design testing, we found that built in retaining straps are more likely to tangle with other rods and treble hooks. This leads to angler frustration and lost fishing time.


Plug Jacket™ is the last defense against rod tangles. Highly recommended for treble hook lures, our Plug Jacket™ keeps those treble hooks from tangling your sticks.

GGs Old Fashion Ice Cream
Two of my fondest memories from childhood include fishing with Grampa and eating Great Gramma Edith’s old fashion ice cream. Please continue and I will show you how to make GG’s great taste treat.

This seven pounder is the largest bass I ever boated. She won me the tournament. I know that sweet feeling.
But let me tell you, eating my Great Gramma Edith’s old fashion ice cream is pretty sweet too.
On special family occasions, Dad would get out the ice cream freezer. Dad preferred the hand crank freezer because the ice cream came out frostier. Us kid had our role to play. My dad and uncles cranked away and kept the ice and salt topped off. Dad would pad the top with a bath towel and my brother, sister, cousins and I would take turns sitting on top of the freezer. Our weight would keep the freezer stable and make cranking much easier

Waiting on that ice cream seemed like it took forever. But Dad would decide when the cranking was done. Carefully, he would remove the crank, wipe the salt off the top and lift the cover from the can. After a brief inspection, Dad would slowly remove the paddle thingy (dasher), taking care not to lose a drop of the vanilla treat.
Each taking a spoon, kids and men alike, would scrape the dasher clean. Just a spoonful for the time being. Dad would return the cover to the can of ice cream, letting it continue to freeze in the icy brine.
I could say that Great Gramma’s Ice Cream is a family secret, only known to a few. But this ice cream is too yummy to keep it to myself. I want to share it. I want to give you an opportunity to make memories that will last a life time. I hope you find this video enjoyable and will give this ice cream a try. All you need is an old fashion ice cream freezer (I prefer motorized) and a few ingredients and you’re on your way. I hope you enjoy my video. Please like, comment and share.
Great Gramma Edith’s Ice Cream
6 Cups Milk
3 Cups Sugar
1 tsp Salt
3 Whole Eggs, Beaten
3 Envelopes Knox Gelatin
5 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream
3 TBS Vanilla
Heat milk on low until bubbles form around the pot, 150 deg F.
Stir sugar & salt into milk and return to 150 deg. Remove from heat.
Using a cup of hot milk mixture, disolve 3 envolopes of Knox Gelatin and set aside for a minute.
Beat eggs in a large bowl. Tempor the eggs by adding hot milk mixture, ONE cup at a time until the bowl is warm
Add Egg and Gelatin mixtures back to the pot of hot milk and mix thoroughly.
Add cold whipping cream and vanilla to the milk mixture.
Cool the mixture in the refrigerator or an ice bath.
Now you are ready to freeze your custard mix in an ice cream freezer.
Covid 19 help for your Bait & Tackle shop
Our Mom & Pop Bait & Tackle Shops are the backbone of our favorite pastime. They have been hit particularly hard by this Covid 19 outbreak. Our small independent dealers have been there for us all. They sponsors our tournament events, do special orders for customers, keep us up to date on hot fishing techniques, introduce us to new products (i.e, Stick Jacket fishing rod sleeves) and teach us how to tie a knot.

When the coronavirus issue is behind us, your fishing tackle dealer will need your business to recover. In the meantime, America’s Small Business Administration (SBA) has programs to keep them going and paychecks flowing.
Paycheck Protection Program
The Paycheck Protection Program prioritizes millions of Americans employed by small Businesses by authorizing up to $349 billion toward job retention and certain other expenses.
Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Loan Advance
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, small business owners in all U.S. states, Washington D.C., and territories are eligible to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan advance of up to $10,000. Apply here.
SBA Debt Relief
The SBA Debt Relief program will provide a reprieve to small businesses as they overcome the challenges created by this health crisis.
Contact your banker, the SBA or me if you need some tips.
Save our tackle shops. Please share this information with your tackle shop owner, encourage them to take action today and tell them Stick Jacket sent you.
What size Stick Jacket do you need?
Stick Jacket are available in four diameters. Selecting the correct size sleeve for your fishing rods starts with knowing your options.

Stick Jacket rod socks come in four circumferences. Many anglers will know from experience the size they require. If you are shopping for an angler in your life, knowing the circumference and length is a good start to ordering the correct size.

Use a tape measure or strip of paper to measure the circumference around your rod blank and line guide.

Compare your measurement to the circumference illustration and select the cover for your rod.
Now all you need is the length.

We recommend the length you select should cover all the line guides and leave room for a fishing lure connected to your hook keeper. Stick Jackets come in 24, 66, 72, 78 & 84 inch lengths nominally. Please note: Not all lengths are available in all circumferences.
The trumpet end is best if it falls between the last line guide and forgrip.
For more about our sizes go here.