Stick Jackets® are a product of Orin Briant, INC. Established in 2004, Stick Jacket is the original rod cover that taught everyone how to Tame the Tangle™.
2004, company owner Ron Bordwine sold the first Stick Jacket fishing rod covers to local fishing clubs. In the first months of 2005, Stick Jackets made an appearance at several area fishing shows and our first dealer, the Fishing Connection. Now the fun begins.

2005, during the spring & summer months, owner Ron Bordwine traveled door to door calling on every tackle shop he could find in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota & Florida. By the end of the year, Stick Jackets could be found in over 60 retail tackle shops. The first braided sleeve fishing rod sock was making progress.
2006 was even busier. We did many more fishing shows ranging from Green Bay to Dallas. Ron continued door to door trips to the states of TX, AR, IA, MO, MI, AL, TN, KY, GA, SC, FL and finishing up in California. Tackle Warehouse was a big help getting Stick Jacket online as their first.

2007, growth was steady. More fishing shows, Several Elite Pros are using Stick Jacket. Bill Dance gave us a call. We went to our first Bass Master Classic Expo and met our new friend Preston Clark. Sales trips included travel to TX, LA, MS, NC & VA.
2008 was our breakout year. Focus was all on our first ICAST in Las Vegas. Preston Clark introduced us to all the key players in the fishing business. Our hero, Bill Dance spent time with us at the show. Writers from Bass Master, FTR Magazine & others wrote about us and several camera crews did their thing too. Stick Jackets was the hot item.

The journey has been rewarding. Our success is all thanks to our wonderful retail dealers and anglers like you. Special thanks to Christine, Mike, Keith, Tom, Brittany, Bob, Dan , Tommy, Preston, Bill and most of all, Mom.